Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm listening to: Plain White T's - Anything (Acoustic)

Swirling shades of glue - grey, blue
The Rottweiler vanishes along the corner
Bringing, leaving,
A meandering stench of iron that stretches
Its long trail across millenia of groveling and writhing in
The Dirt dyed colors of strange languages -
Those lost to la mer, that take its hand to spin and dance in frozen breezes.
Petty charms in a dollar-store snowglobe, which
Sparkle is caught and mirrored only in the light of an
Unopened eye.

I think I'm addicted to Salad Fingers.

"Do you not like my mouth-words?"


1 comment:

  1. oh! Saaa..laaaaddd Fffffiiiinnngggeeeerrrs.

    used to watch (him/her/it) back in..was it sec sch days? hahaha creepy stuff (at least back then!) and you were saying that "there there"'s video was creepy hahaha!

    i wonder who's the creepy one
